Registration - POPBIO 2025 37th Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)


The early bird (before 31st of March 2025) registration fee is 6800 CZK (~270 EUR). The discounted registration fee for students (PhD, Msc) is 4400 CZK (~175 EUR). After 31st March, the regular registration fee is 7800 CZK (~310 EUR), and the student discount fee is 5400 CZK (~215 EUR). There is also a discount 20% for GfÖ members. The fee includes: coffee and snacks, lunches, welcome reception on Wednesday 21st and conference dinner on Friday 23rd May. Participation in the Saturday 24th excursions requires an additional fee of 1000 CZK (~40 EUR), which includes transport and lunch bag.

At the end of the registration process, you must pay the conference fee using a credit card. Within a few days after payment, you will receive the confirmation of payment via email. If you wish to present a talk or poster, please prepare a title (max. 200 characters) and an abstract (max. 2,000 characters).