The early bird (before 31st of March 2025) registration fee is 6800 CZK (~270 EUR). The discounted registration fee for students (PhD, Msc) is 4400 CZK (~175 EUR). After 31st March, the regular registration fee is 7800 CZK (~310 EUR), and the student discount fee is 5400 CZK (~215 EUR). There is also a discount 20% for GfÖ members. The fee includes: coffee and snacks, lunches, welcome reception on Wednesday 21st and conference dinner on Friday 23rd May. Participation in the Saturday 24th excursions requires an additional fee of 1000 CZK (~40 EUR), which includes transport and lunch bag.
At the end of the registration process, you must pay the conference fee using a credit card. Within a few days after payment, you will receive the confirmation of payment via email. If you wish to present a talk or poster, please prepare a title (max. 200 characters) and an abstract (max. 2,000 characters).